Run a lighthouse batch test

POST /v1/lighthouse-batch-tests

Runs a new lighthouse batch test.


This is the lighthouse batch test body object

  • urls array[string]

    For multiple-urls batch type, provide an array of urls to test. For other batch types, provide a single url in array and if multiple urls are provided, only first in the list will be used for the test. All invalid urls in the array will be ignored.

    Maximum length of each is 5000.

  • devices array[string]

    For multiple-devices batch type, provide an array of device ids to test or leave it empty for testing on all preset devices. For other batch types, provide a single device id in array and if multiple device ids are provided, only first in the list will be used for the test. All invalid device ids in the array will be ignored.

    Values are mobile, desktop, macbookAirM1, highEndLaptop, ipad102, galaxyTabS7, iphone13ProMax, iphone11, galaxyS10Plus, redmiNote8Pro, iphone7, galaxyA50, galaxyJ8, motoG5, or redmi5A.

  • locations array[string]

    For multiple-locations batch type, provide an array of location ids to test or leave it empty for testing on all preset locations. For other batch types, provide just a single location id in array and if multiple location ids are provided, only first in the list will be used for the test. All invalid location ids in the array will be ignored.

    Values are us, ca, br, de, uk, nl, pl, ch, jp, in, sg, au, id, kr, or tw.

  • The type of batch test to run

    Values are multiple-urls, multiple-devices, or multiple-locations.

  • config object
    Hide config attributes Show config attributes
    • connection string | null

      Connection Type

      Maximum length is 5000. Values are fiber, cable, dsl, 5g, wifi_fast, wifi, 4g_fast, 4g, 3g_fast, 3g, 3g_slow, 2g_edge, or 2g.

    • throttling_method string | null

      Choose between simulated throttling and applied throttling

      Maximum length is 5000. Default value is simulated.

    • http_version string | null

      Force HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2(default)

      Maximum length is 5000. Default value is 2.

    • video boolean | null

      Enable page load video

      Maximum length is 5000. Default value is false.

    • adblock boolean | null

      Enable Adblock

      Default value is false.

    • user_agent string | null

      Run test with custom user agent

      Maximum length is 5000.

    • auth_username string | null

      Username for authentication

      Maximum length is 5000.

    • auth_password string | null

      Password for authentication

      Maximum length is 5000.

    • cookies array[string] | null

      List of session cookies

    • whitelist array[string] | null

      List of whitelisted urls(Max 5)

    • blacklist array[string] | null

      List of blacklisted urls(Max 10)


  • A lighthouse batch report to be returned

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id string
    • urls array[string] Required
    • devices array[string] Required

      Values are mobile, desktop, macbookAirM1, highEndLaptop, ipad102, galaxyTabS7, iphone13ProMax, iphone11, galaxyS10Plus, redmiNote8Pro, iphone7, galaxyA50, galaxyJ8, motoG5, or redmi5A.

    • locations array[string] Required

      Values are us, ca, br, de, uk, nl, pl, ch, jp, in, sg, au, id, kr, or tw.

    • batch_type string Required

      Values are multiple_urls, multiple_devices, or multiple-locations.

    • config object
      Hide config attributes Show config attributes
      • connection string | null

        Connection Type

        Maximum length is 5000. Values are fiber, cable, dsl, 5g, wifi_fast, wifi, 4g_fast, 4g, 3g_fast, 3g, 3g_slow, 2g_edge, or 2g.

      • throttling_method string | null

        Choose between simulated throttling and applied throttling

        Maximum length is 5000. Default value is simulated.

      • http_version string | null

        Force HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2(default)

        Maximum length is 5000. Default value is 2.

      • video boolean | null

        Enable page load video

        Maximum length is 5000. Default value is false.

      • adblock boolean | null

        Enable Adblock

        Default value is false.

      • user_agent string | null

        Run test with custom user agent

        Maximum length is 5000.

      • auth_username string | null

        Username for authentication

        Maximum length is 5000.

      • auth_password string | null

        Password for authentication

        Maximum length is 5000.

      • cookies array[string] | null

        List of session cookies

      • whitelist array[string] | null

        List of whitelisted urls(Max 5)

      • blacklist array[string] | null

        List of blacklisted urls(Max 10)

    • status string

      Values are idle, active, or completed.

    • The version of the lighthouse used to run the tests

    • Time at which the batch test was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

    • Time at which the batch report will expire. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

    • reports array[object]
      Hide reports attributes Show reports attributes
      • id string
      • url string
      • device string

        Values are mobile, desktop, macbookAirM1, highEndLaptop, ipad102, galaxyTabS7, iphone13ProMax, iphone11, galaxyS10Plus, redmiNote8Pro, iphone7, galaxyA50, galaxyJ8, motoG5, or redmi5A.

      • location string

        Values are us, ca, br, de, uk, nl, pl, ch, jp, in, sg, au, id, kr, or tw.

      • status string

        Values are idle, active, success, or failed.

      • metrics object | null
        Hide metrics attributes Show metrics attributes
      • report_url string | null

        The URL at which SpeedVitals report is accessible (Present when status is success)

      • error object | null

        Contains error code and description(present only if status is failed)

        Hide error attributes Show error attributes
        • code string

          Error code specific to lighthouse error

        • message string

          Error message describing the summary of lighthouse error

  • Invalid Request body or missing required parameters

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • code string

      An error code specific to the error.

    • message string

      A human-readable message providing more details about the error.

  • Insufficient Credits

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • code string

      An error code specific to the error.

    • message string

      A human-readable message providing more details about the error.

POST /v1/lighthouse-batch-tests
curl \
 -X POST \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"urls":["",""],"devices":["macbookAirM1"],"locations":["us"],"batch_type":"multiple-urls"}'
Request example
  "urls": [
  "devices": [
  "locations": [
  "batch_type": "multiple-urls"
Request examples
  "urls": [
  "devices": [
  "locations": [
  "batch_type": "multiple-urls",
  "config": {
    "connection": "fiber",
    "throttling_method": "simulated",
    "http_version": "2",
    "video": false,
    "adblock": false,
    "user_agent": "string",
    "auth_username": "string",
    "auth_password": "string",
    "cookies": [
    "whitelist": [
    "blacklist": [
Response examples (201)
  "id": "lbt_IU8rN0XQmIWEqGkP",
  "urls": [
  "devices": [
  "locations": [
  "config": null,
  "batch_type": "multiple-urls",
  "status": "idle",
  "lighthouse_version": "9.6.2",
  "report_url": "",
  "created_at": 1657539924734,
  "expires_at": 1660131924733,
  "reports": null
Response examples (201)
  "id": "lbt_IU8rN0XQmIWEqGkP",
  "urls": [
  "config": null,
  "status": "active",
  "devices": [
  "reports": [
      "id": "lt_dObdG5EW4d231hto",
      "url": "",
      "error": null,
      "device": "macbookAirM1",
      "status": "success",
      "metrics": {
        "speed_index": 900,
        "performance_score": 100,
        "time_to_interactive": 297,
        "total_blocking_time": 0,
        "server_response_time": 32,
        "first_contentful_paint": 292,
        "first_meaningful_paint": 297,
        "cumulative_layout_shift": 0.0,
        "largest_contentful_paint": 434
      "location": "us",
      "report_url": ""
      "id": "lt_dmpbeQ2xk1XPh4UP",
      "url": "",
      "error": null,
      "device": "macbookAirM1",
      "status": "idle",
      "metrics": {
        "speed_index": 1406,
        "performance_score": 99,
        "time_to_interactive": 368,
        "total_blocking_time": 0,
        "server_response_time": 68,
        "first_contentful_paint": 322,
        "first_meaningful_paint": 365,
        "cumulative_layout_shift": 0.0,
        "largest_contentful_paint": 488
      "location": "us",
      "report_url": ""
  "locations": [
  "batch_type": "multiple-urls",
  "created_at": 1657539924734,
  "expires_at": 1660131924733,
  "report_url": "",
  "lighthouse_version": "9.6.2"
Response examples (400)
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"
Response examples (400)
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"
Response examples (402)
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"
Response examples (402)
  "code": "string",
  "message": "string"