Retrieve a lighthouse batch report

GET /v1/lighthouse-batch-tests/{id}

Retrieves the report of lighthouse test. Supply the unique test ID from either a lighthouse test creation request or the lighthouse tests list, and SpeedVitals will return the corresponding test information.

Path parameters

  • id string Required

    Maximum length is 5000.


  • Successful response.

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • id string
    • urls array[string] Required
    • devices array[string] Required

      Values are mobile, desktop, macbookAirM1, highEndLaptop, ipad102, galaxyTabS7, iphone13ProMax, iphone11, galaxyS10Plus, redmiNote8Pro, iphone7, galaxyA50, galaxyJ8, motoG5, or redmi5A.

    • locations array[string] Required

      Values are us, ca, br, de, uk, nl, pl, ch, jp, in, sg, au, id, kr, or tw.

    • batch_type string Required

      Values are multiple_urls, multiple_devices, or multiple-locations.

    • config object
      Hide config attributes Show config attributes
      • connection string | null

        Connection Type

        Maximum length is 5000. Values are fiber, cable, dsl, 5g, wifi_fast, wifi, 4g_fast, 4g, 3g_fast, 3g, 3g_slow, 2g_edge, or 2g.

      • throttling_method string | null

        Choose between simulated throttling and applied throttling

        Maximum length is 5000. Default value is simulated.

      • http_version string | null

        Force HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2(default)

        Maximum length is 5000. Default value is 2.

      • video boolean | null

        Enable page load video

        Maximum length is 5000. Default value is false.

      • adblock boolean | null

        Enable Adblock

        Default value is false.

      • user_agent string | null

        Run test with custom user agent

        Maximum length is 5000.

      • auth_username string | null

        Username for authentication

        Maximum length is 5000.

      • auth_password string | null

        Password for authentication

        Maximum length is 5000.

      • cookies array[string] | null

        List of session cookies

      • whitelist array[string] | null

        List of whitelisted urls(Max 5)

      • blacklist array[string] | null

        List of blacklisted urls(Max 10)

    • status string

      Values are idle, active, or completed.

    • The version of the lighthouse used to run the tests

    • Time at which the batch test was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

    • Time at which the batch report will expire. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

    • reports array[object]
      Hide reports attributes Show reports attributes
      • id string
      • url string
      • device string

        Values are mobile, desktop, macbookAirM1, highEndLaptop, ipad102, galaxyTabS7, iphone13ProMax, iphone11, galaxyS10Plus, redmiNote8Pro, iphone7, galaxyA50, galaxyJ8, motoG5, or redmi5A.

      • location string

        Values are us, ca, br, de, uk, nl, pl, ch, jp, in, sg, au, id, kr, or tw.

      • status string

        Values are idle, active, success, or failed.

      • metrics object | null
        Hide metrics attributes Show metrics attributes
      • report_url string | null

        The URL at which SpeedVitals report is accessible (Present when status is success)

      • error object | null

        Contains error code and description(present only if status is failed)

        Hide error attributes Show error attributes
        • code string

          Error code specific to lighthouse error

        • message string

          Error message describing the summary of lighthouse error

  • Resource Not Found

GET /v1/lighthouse-batch-tests/{id}
curl \
 -X GET{id} \
Response examples (200)
  "id": "lbt_IU8rN0XQmIWEqGkP",
  "urls": [
  "devices": [
  "locations": [
  "batch_type": "multiple-urls",
  "config": null,
  "status": "active",
  "lighthouse_version": "9.6.2",
  "report_url": "",
  "created_at": 1657539924734,
  "expires_at": 1660131924733,
  "reports": [
      "id": "lt_dObdG5EW4d231hto",
      "url": "",
      "device": "macbookAirM1",
      "location": "us",
      "status": "success",
      "metrics": {
        "cumulative_layout_shift": 0.0,
        "first_contentful_paint": 292,
        "first_meaningful_paint": 297,
        "time_to_interactive": 297,
        "largest_contentful_paint": 434,
        "server_response_time": 32,
        "speed_index": 900,
        "total_blocking_time": 0,
        "performance_score": 100
      "report_url": "",
      "error": null
      "id": "lt_dmpbeQ2xk1XPh4UP",
      "url": "",
      "device": "macbookAirM1",
      "location": "us",
      "status": "idle",
      "metrics": {
        "cumulative_layout_shift": 0.0,
        "first_contentful_paint": 322,
        "first_meaningful_paint": 365,
        "time_to_interactive": 368,
        "largest_contentful_paint": 488,
        "server_response_time": 68,
        "speed_index": 1406,
        "total_blocking_time": 0,
        "performance_score": 99
      "report_url": "",
      "error": null
Response examples (200)
  "id": "lbt_IU8rN0XQmIWEqGkP",
  "urls": [
  "config": null,
  "status": "active",
  "devices": [
  "reports": [
      "id": "lt_dObdG5EW4d231hto",
      "url": "",
      "error": null,
      "device": "macbookAirM1",
      "status": "success",
      "metrics": {
        "speed_index": 900,
        "performance_score": 100,
        "time_to_interactive": 297,
        "total_blocking_time": 0,
        "server_response_time": 32,
        "first_contentful_paint": 292,
        "first_meaningful_paint": 297,
        "cumulative_layout_shift": 0.0,
        "largest_contentful_paint": 434
      "location": "us",
      "report_url": ""
      "id": "lt_dmpbeQ2xk1XPh4UP",
      "url": "",
      "error": null,
      "device": "macbookAirM1",
      "status": "idle",
      "metrics": {
        "speed_index": 1406,
        "performance_score": 99,
        "time_to_interactive": 368,
        "total_blocking_time": 0,
        "server_response_time": 68,
        "first_contentful_paint": 322,
        "first_meaningful_paint": 365,
        "cumulative_layout_shift": 0.0,
        "largest_contentful_paint": 488
      "location": "us",
      "report_url": ""
  "locations": [
  "batch_type": "multiple-urls",
  "created_at": 1657539924734,
  "expires_at": 1660131924733,
  "report_url": "",
  "lighthouse_version": "9.6.2"