List all lighthouse reports
Returns a list of your lighthouse tests. The tests are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created test appearing first.
Query parameters
integer The page number to return. The default page number is 1.
integer A size of the number of objects to be returned. Page size can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
integer Filter tests where the created_at field is greater than this value
integer Filter tests where the created_at field is greater than this value.
integer Filter tests where the created_at field is less than this value.
integer Filter tests where the created_at field is less than or equal to this value.
curl \
-X GET \
Response examples (200)
"data": [
"id": "lt_LthsZedDcOUfYFHxN",
"url": "",
"device": "macbookAirM1",
"location": "us",
"config": {
"http_version": 2,
"video": true,
"adblock": true
"status": "idle",
"lighthouse_version": "9.6.2",
"metrics": {
"cumulative_layout_shift": 0.0,
"first_contentful_paint": 515,
"first_meaningful_paint": 566,
"time_to_interactive": 725,
"largest_contentful_paint": 515,
"server_response_time": 21,
"speed_index": 1123,
"total_blocking_time": 69,
"performance_score": 99
"report_url": "",
"created_at": 1657537268453,
"expires_at": 1660129268453,
"error": null
Response examples (200)
"data": [
"id": "lt_LthsZedDcOUfYFHxN",
"url": "",
"error": null,
"config": {
"video": true,
"adblock": true,
"http_version": 2
"device": "macbookAirM1",
"status": "idle",
"metrics": {
"speed_index": 1123,
"performance_score": 99,
"time_to_interactive": 725,
"total_blocking_time": 69,
"server_response_time": 21,
"first_contentful_paint": 515,
"first_meaningful_paint": 566,
"cumulative_layout_shift": 0.0,
"largest_contentful_paint": 515
"location": "us",
"created_at": 1657537268453,
"expires_at": 1660129268453,
"report_url": "",
"lighthouse_version": "9.6.2"
Response examples (400)
"code": "string",
"message": "string"
Response examples (400)
"code": "string",
"message": "string"